Warby Parker Takes the Hassle out of Purchasing Glasses Online

The last time I bought glasses was not a pleasant experience.

I spent an hour sorting through the wall of lenses before I could find a pair that I liked. Next, I had to stave off the office manager’s up-selling (she still managed to get me to spend upwards of $300).

Finally, I had to wait another three weeks before my glasses were ready. I left that experience thinking that there has to be an easier way.

Luckily, a friend told me about Warby Parker (the name is derived from two characters created by Jack Kerouac).

They take the hassle out of buying eyeglasses by offering stylish, affordable glasses that start at $95.

How to Buy Warby Parker Glasses

The process is simple:

1. Visit the Warby Parker website and select five frames to try on for free (you will have to place a credit card on file).

2. You will receive your frames in the mail in about a week.

3. Wear the frames around town and ask your friends and family for feedback.

4. When you decide on the frames you like, you can order them directly from the Warby Parker website or at a Warby Parker retail store.

5. Return the frames using the prepaid return shipping label included in the box (you have five days to return the frames).

I selected five frames, but I only wore four of them because two were very similar. These are the styles I chose:

warby parker

After much deliberation, I finally decided on the Sibley 100 (my wife and daughter heavily influenced my decision).

Warby Parker Glasses for Men

Warby Parker Buy A Pair, Give A pair

What I like most about Warby Parker is their Buy a Pair, Give A Pair program.

Almost one billion people worldwide lack access to glasses. This means that 15% of the global population cannot effectively learn or work – a problem that Warby Parker is determined to address. 

For every pair of glasses purchased, the company provides a pair to someone in need.

Final Thoughts on Warby Parker

If you’re tired of spending too much on run-of-the-mill glasses, you should visit Warby Parker online. I’m glad I did.

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