Mocha Man Style offers our clients unique opportunities to reach and connect with our audience.
We will work with you to amplify your campaign through sponsored posts, social media campaigns, custom sponsorships, in addition to our standard advertising packages.
Below you will find general rates for Mocha Man Style offerings.
Sponsored Blog Post – Starting at $2,500
Sponsored blog posts are original stories based on my experience with your product or service or brand-supplied copy that I will edit to suit my audience. Posts are typically 400-600 words and include original photography and/or brand-supplied photography, link to brand website, and mention of brand social media (Twitter and Facebook).
Sponsored Instagram Post – Starting at $750
Sponsored Instagram Posts are static photos or short videos with original copy on the Mocha Man Style Instagram feed.
Sponsored IG Story – Starting at $100 per frame
Sponsored Instagram Stories are static photos or short videos with original copy on Mocha Man Style Instagram Stories.
Sponsored Facebook Post – Starting at $500
Sponsored Facebook Posts are static photos or short videos with original copy on the Mocha Man Style Facebook Page.
Sponsored Tweet – Starting at $375
Short messages on Mocha Man Style Twitter feed up to 280 characters with photos and links.
We can offer any combination of the above or custom packages to suit your needs. We have to right to refuse any advertisement that does not meet our editorial needs.
Contact us for more details or to place your order: Frederick J. Goodall, [email protected]
Dedicated E-mail Blast – $750
Dedicated E-mail blasts are sent to Mocha Man Style’s highly engaged e-mail list. The blast includes original ad copy to drive sales to your product or service. E-mails are typically 300-400 words and include original photography and/or brand-supplied photography, link to brand website, and mention of brand social media.
In E-mail Ad – $275
An in e-mail ad can be a graphic banner or a short paragraph (100 words) with links.
Contact us for more details or to place your order: Frederick J. Goodall, [email protected]
Event Sponsorships
Mocha Man Styles hosts events throughout the year to bring people together to share our passion for fashion, music, fine food and drink, literature and poetry, art, cars, and health and fitness.
Our guests are savvy, influential, and well-connected.
You can connect with these guests through event sponsorships.
Presenting Sponsor $5,000
- Name in Event Title (ie Mocha Man Style Fall Fashion Show Presented by “Your Brand”)
- Recognition of sponsorship level
- Signage and booth/table at the event
- Name and logo on event promo materials (online and/or print)
- Feature article on Mocha Man Style
- Dedicated social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin
- Opportunity to address the audience for 5 minutes
- Dedicated e-mail blast
- Listing in the Mocha Man Style Business Directory
- Banner Ad on Mocha Man Style
- Inclusion in Media appearances
Gold Sponsor $3,500
- Recognition of sponsorship level
- Signage and booth/table at the event
- Name and logo on event promo material (online and/or print)
- Dedicated Social posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn
- Opportunity to address the audience for 3 minutes
- Dedicated e-mail blast
- Listing in the Mocha Man Style Business Directory
- Banner Ad on Mocha Man Style
Silver Level $2,000
- Recognition of sponsorship level
- Signage and booth/table at the event
- Name and logo on event promo material (online and/or print)
- Inclusion in the sponsor social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
- Mention in sponsor e-mail
- Opportunity to address the audience for 2 minutes
- Listing in the Mocha Man Style Business Directory
- Banner Ad on Mocha Man Style
Bronze Level $1,000
- Recognition of sponsorship level
- Signage and booth/table at the event
- Name and logo on event promo material (online and/or print)
- Inclusion in the sponsor social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin
- Mention in sponsor e-mail
- Opportunity to address the audience for 1 minute
- Listing in the Mocha Man Style Business Directory
Vendor – $200
- Table at event
Contact me for more details or to place your order: Frederick J. Goodall, [email protected]