Millions of people worldwide are demanding reform, and business leaders are facing unprecedented questions from both their employees and their customers as to how their company will address systemic racism.
“Business leaders have the unique opportunity to dismantle all four dimensions of racism: personal beliefs, interpersonal behaviors, institutional, and structural,” said Dr. Randal Pinkett, Chairman, and CEO of BCT Partners and the co-author of the book, Black Faces in White Places.
Over the last several weeks, Dr. Pinkett has conducted a series of town halls and spoken with thousands of business leaders. His conversations have uncovered seven common myths about racial equity.
Watch the following video, 7 Myths of Racial Equity, to hear Dr. Pinkett’s insights, recommendations, and concrete plans for action.
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Frederick J. Goodall is the Editor-in-Chief of Mocha Man Style, media spokesperson, event host, photographer, and a top social media influencer in Houston, TX. He likes to write about fashion, cars, travel, and health.