What I Wore: Stilettos & Champagne Annual Fundraiser

Each year, I work with This Woman’s Work to promote their annual fundraising event, Stilettos & Champagne. This Woman’s Work is a nonprofit that provides tools, resources, and opportunities to help girls and women succeed in all aspects of life.

The sold-out event was attended by over 300 Houstonians who support the organization’s mission. As you can imagine, it was a swanky affair with an emphasis on fashion (specifically shoes). I kept things relatively simple with a black and with a black and white outfit (see details below).

frederick j. goodall


Black Blazer: H & M (from a thrift store)

White Shirt: Calvin Klein

Trousers: Calvin Klein

Black and White dotted knit tie: Jerry Garcia

Suede Loafers with Silver tassels: Stacy Adams

Accessories: Gun-metal bracelet, flower lapel pin

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