Chadwick Boseman Returns to Howard to Deliver Commencement Address

I graduated from Howard University in 1994 and our commencement speaker was General Colin Powell. General Powell delivered a heartfelt, motivating speech that challenged us to go out into the world and make a difference.

Over the years, Howard has drawn several prominent comment speakers such as Sean “Diddy” Combs, Reverend Jesse Jackson, President Bill Clinton, and President Barack Obama (click here to see the full list) who have inspired thousands of Howard graduates.

One of those graduates, Chadwick Boseman, star of the blockbuster movie, Black Panther, is returning to deliver this year’s address.

“Mr. Boseman exemplifies the monumental heights and levels Howard graduates can achieve by using the skills they mastered in college coupled with drive, focus, and determination,” said Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick.

Boseman graduated from Howard with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. He then attended the British American Drama Academy in Oxford, England after which he went on to enjoy early success as a stage actor, writer, and director.

Chadwick BosemanBoseman broke through with his big-screen portrayals of two African-American icons: baseball player Jackie Robinson in 42 and soul singer James Brown in Get on Up. In the film Marshall, he portrayed  Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court Justice, and Howard alum, as he battles through one of his career-defining cases as the Chief Counsel to the N.A.A.C.P.

Boseman’s recent role as T’Challa in the Marvel film Black Panther reminds us of the excellence found in the African diaspora and how institutions like Howard are gems that produce the next generation of artists, scholars, humanitarians, musicians, scientists, engineers, doctors, and of course, actors.

In addition to welcoming the Class of 2018 as the commencement orator, Boseman will receive the University’s highest honor, an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters.

“I look forward to honoring Mr. Boseman at this year’s 150th Commencement Convocation,” said Frederick.

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