This post is sponsored by Applebee’s. All opinions are my own.
One Thursday evening, I was feeling a bit disappointed after finding out the car I was trying to buy had sold a couple of hours before I went to the dealership. I was hungry, tired, and frustrated. I drove down the highway looking for a place to get a meal and have a drink. I noticed an Applebee’s nestled in a suburban shopping center and remembered that October is DollaRita month.
I parked my car and entered the restaurant. As I stepped inside, a little girl about 3-years old greeted me. These hostesses are getting younger and younger, I thought.
“Hi,” she said. “I’m Briana.”
“Hi, Briana,” I said. “I’m Frederick.” She laughed and ran back to the table where her family was sitting.
The actual hosted approached soon afterward and offered me a seat.
“I’ll sit in the bar,” I said. She pointed to the bar area and told me to make myself at home. I was tempted to take off my shoes and put my feet on the table, but I decided not to take her offer literally.
The bar was filled with people. Three large screen TVs showing the Carolina vs Philadelphia game were strategically placed throughout the bar area. I sat down just in time to see Cam Newton scrambled for a ten-yard touchdown run.
I was immediately greeted by a friendly server. She had curly, blonde hair, and a smile that brightened the dimly-lit bar.
“Hey, sweetie,” she said. “My name is Kay Michelle. What can I get you to drink?” One perk about living in the South is that you get called “Sweetie” or “Honey” a lot. Also, many people introduce themselves with their first and last names (I’m Frederick James, BTW).
“I’ll have one of the Dollaritas,” I replied.
“Good choice,” she said. “People seem to really like this deal.”
She scurried off to give the bartender my drink order. While I waited, I surveyed the room. Although I wouldn’t say it had a Cheers vibe, it was definitely a place where people come in regularly. The bartender and waitstaff kept doting on a little white-haired lady who was nursing some beers in the corner.
“You okay, Ms. Kathy?” They’d ask periodically. She’d nod and spend a few minutes chatting with everyone who stopped by her barstool. A couple of young guys, who were serious NFL fans, kept yelling at the TVs. Luckily, they were drowned out by the jukebox music selections that a group of young women had chosen. There were also a couple of families enjoying a meal and a few people who were enjoying date night.
Kay Michelle returned with my drink and took my food order.
“Just let me know when you’re ready for another one, sweetie,” she said.
“I will,” I said lifting my glass to acknowledge her Southern charm.
As a Texan, I have a pretty high standard for margaritas. With that said, Applebee’s DollaRitas are a great value for $1. Don’t expect a high-end drink made with top-shelf tequila. This drink is simple and easy on your pocket, especially when you decide to buy a round for your friends.
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Kay Michelle said. “If you come by on Wednesdays, these are only fifty cents.”
“Fifty cents?” I said. “WHAT A BARGAIN!!!” Kay Michelle laughed. I don’t know if she actually thought what I said was funny or if she realized I was referring to one of my favorite bits from Eddie Murphy Raw.
When my meal arrived, I ordered another DollaRita. Two drinks for two dollars is a great deal. I would have ordered another, but I know my limits and I had to drive close to 15 miles to get home (Note to self: Take Lyft or Uber next time).
After I finished my dinner and drink, I paid the tab and started to leave.
Kay Michelle waved me down to say goodbye.
“Did you enjoy yourself, sweetie?” she asked.
“Yes, I did,” I said.
“These margaritas will be a dollar all month,” she said. “I hope to see you again.”
“I’ll be back, sweetie,” I said. Kay Michelle smiled.
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Frederick J. Goodall is the Editor-in-Chief of Mocha Man Style, media spokesperson, event host, photographer, and a top social media influencer in Houston, TX. He likes to write about fashion, cars, travel, and health.