Leamon Green’s “Look at Them” Exhibition Opens at O’Kane Gallery

Leamon Green understands the impact of history and culture in our society. His work depicts the complexities of African identity in an age of increased global awareness and migration.

“Ever since I first saw his work, I was bowled over,” said Lloyd Gite, owner of The Gite Gallery and Green’s biggest collector. “He incorporates African and images from the 1800s to tell the story of our experiences in America and abroad.”

For his latest collection, “Look at Them,” Green created large-scale prints with the use of an industrial-size steamroller. Each piece features highly textured, richly black jagged patterns out of which emerge the human figures that take center stage. The people in Green’s work are often engaged in simple activities. This sensitive portrayal of African-Americans is enhanced by Green’s bold, soulful technique.

leamon green

Green currently serves as Chair of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts at Texas Southern University. His solo exhibitions include shows at Hooks-Epstein Galleries, the Galveston Arts Center, and the African American Museum in Dallas.

“Look at Them” will be available for public viewing through October 13, 2016, at The University of Houston-Downtown O’Kane Gallery.

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