The Evolution of Grooming

This post is sponsored by Neutrogena Men. All opinions are my own.

My grandfather’s face told the story of his life. He earned his leathery skin from decades of working as a sharecropper underneath the blazing Lousiana sun. No sunscreen. No moisturizer. Just salty sweat burning his eyes as he earned a living for his family.

His face was full of lines and deep creases that made him look older than he actually was. He wasn’t privy to anti-aging cream. Not that he would have used it if it were available.

He washed his face with lye soap, which he made himself, and shaved with a straight razor. Nicks, cuts, and razor burns were his badges of honor.


My grandfather’s face was rough and rugged just like many of the men of his generation. His face was an open book that expressed a lifetime of struggle.

But my face tells a different story. One that is possible because of my grandfather’s sacrifices.

At 46, I have a few smile lines and some creases on my forehead, but I could easily pass for someone in his 30s. I try to maintain a youthful appearance through a combination of exercising, eating right, and a consistent grooming regime.


I know that my grandfather is rolling over in his grave as I type these words, but I have sensitive skin. Harsh products irritate my face and make me break out. To get my day started, I wash my face with Neutrogena Men Invigorating Face Wash. Specifically designed for a man’s face, this foaming gel cleans my skin without over-drying and helps to improve my skin’s overall healthy look.

I also suffer from intense razor burn and razor bumps. If I don’t properly prep my face, I’ll spend the next few days in agony. I admire my grandfather for his being able to shave with a straight razor, but I simply don’t have the courage to do that. A convenient five-blade razor works fine for me. I also use Neutrogena Men Razor Defense Face Scrub. It makes my skin less sensitive to shaving and helps prevent razor irritation. In addition to conditioning my skin, it softens my facial hair, so I get a closer shave without worrying about razor bumps.

Finally, I moisturize (BTW – the rumbling sound you hear is my grandfather rolling over in his grave again). Neutrogena Men Triple Protect Face Lotion conditions my skin and helps combat the signs of aging. It also contains SPF 20 sunscreen to help fight the harmful rays of the sun.

Moisturizing your face is an important part of a man's skin care routine.
Moisturizing your face is an important part of a man’s skin care routine.

One day my grandchildren will look at my face. I hope they will see a story of a well-lived life filled with joy, dedication, and love.

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