Mocha Man Style Events: #GameChangers Twitter Chat

If you’ve been watching the NBA this year, you know that Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors have been real game-changers. They set a new league record for the best start (23-0) and are on pace to surpass the Chicago Bulls’ single-season record of 72-10. But this record-breaking season didn’t happen overnight. The team worked hard, prepared, and executed. Like the Golden State Warriors, each of us has the capacity to be game-changers in our own lives.

To help you tap into that potential, Mocha Man Style has partnered with Uptown Magazine and Kia Motors to host a game-changing event. Please join us on Thursday, February 11, 2016, at 7 pm ET for the #GameChangers Twitter Chat where we will celebrate #GameChangers in their profession, community, and culture. Special guests and hosts will join in the hour-long party which will include conversations and a celebration of those that are inspirationally crafted.

In addition to some great conversation, there will be prizes awarded every 10 minutes. Over $300 in gift cards will be awarded live. You can also enter to win $250 from Uptown Magazine. You are invited to join in and share how you have been a #GameChanger in your profession or community.

When: Thursday, February 11th 7pm

Where: #GameChangers or #GameChanger hashtag on Twitter

How: Follow @MochaManStyle@UptownMagazine@Kia, and tweet with the event hashtag #GameChanger or #GameChangers to participate.

Want to get a jump start on winning great prizes before the party? Anyone who follows @UptownMagazine and tweets the below statement from now until the #GameChangers Twitter Chat will be eligible to win a $25 Gift Card:

Join @UptownMagazine, @Kia & @mochamanstyle on 2/11 at 7pm ET for the #GameChangers Twitter Chat about being inspirationally crafted.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Twitter.

Tweet us @mochamanstyle or leave a comment on our Facebook Page to share your thoughts on this article. Follow us on Instagram @mochamanstyle

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