What to Wear to Work

Wearing hoodies to work may be okay for Mark Zuckerberg, but you are not Mark Zuckerberg. Until you reach that level, you need to wear clothes that are professional, stylish, and well-tailored. But many men are unsure of what that means. Figuring out what to wear to work can be challenging at times. To take away some of the guess-work, we have selected three looks that will work for most business environments.

Suit Up

One of my bosses taught me a valuable lesson: Don’t dress for the job you have. Dress for the job you want. Having a few well-tailored suits in your work wardrobe will make you stand out from the crowd and look like a leader.

What to wear to work

Get the Look:

Business Casual

Many companies have moved to a Business Casual dress code, but here’s a career tip: Save your casual clothing for Fridays and dress to make an impression on the bosses.

what to wear to work - business casual

Get the Look:

Casual Friday

When all of your colleagues show up to work with oversized golf shirts and ill-fitting khakis, you can set yourself apart with this smart look.

what to wear to work casual friday

Get the Look:

If you work in an office with desks made out of discarded doors, Foosball tables, and weekly keg parties, feel free to ignore this advice. A hoodie will do just fine.

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