Essential Items for Young Men to Pack for College

I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. It was a big deal for me and my family. My college degree hangs proudly in my dining where I can see it every day. It reminds me of the hard work it took to earn it.

During my college career, I had lots of fun and learned a few things along the way. I’d like to share a bit of that experience with you as you prepare to begin your college career. Before you set foot on your college’s campus, be sure that you’ve packed the following essential items:



When I went to college, I wasted many precious hours waiting my turn to use a PC in the university’s computer lab. Having your own arsenal of tech will save you time and make you much more productive. At the very least you will need a laptap, printer, and cell phone. Tablets are useful for taking notes in glass or sharing ideas with your partners during a class project. You can also lighten your load by downloading textbooks to your tablet.

Grooming Kit

Most mornings, you will probably get out of bed, throw on some jeans and t-shirt and make a mad dash for class. Eventually, you will have to make yourself a little more presentable. You will need a grooming kit that includes a Schick® Xtreme3® razors, Shaving, Cream, moisturizer, after-shave, cologne, fingernail clippers, comb, brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, soap, and shampoo. Not only will you have to bring these items to school with you, but you will be responsible for keeping them replenished during the school year. Make a budget for your grooming supplies and stick with it. You do want to date, don’t you?

schick xtreme3


Athletic Wear

The Freshman 15 is a real thing. You may think nothing of eating a whole pizza at midnight, but after a few months in college, your expanding waistline will let you know that your metabolism may need a jolt. Instead of spending your downtime playing video games, make a point to work out at least three times a week. You will have free access to the university’s gym. Take advantage of it. The exercise will also help you to manage your stress during midterms and finals. You can also get some exercise and make new friends by participating in intramural sports.

Suit & Tie

When I was a freshman, I was invited to the Annual Congressional Black Caucus party in Washington, D.C. Never in my life had I been invited to or attended an event so swanky. But there was one big problem. I didn’t have anything to wear. All I had was my collection of T-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts. I had to borrow some clothes from a friend. Don’t let this happen to you. Be sure to have your own after five outfit that is suitable for any occasion (navy suit, tie, dress shoes, white shirt). At the very least, pack some khakis and a blazer.

These items will make your first year in college a little easier.

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