Indie Artist Spotlight – Malia

Malia has always loved music. However, the talented singer and guitarist almost let her fears and doubts sideline her musical career.

“For some reason, I didn’t allow myself to dream musically,” she said. “I always told myself that being a singer was too far-fetched and I wasn’t good enough anyway.”

After graduating from college, Malia spent several years enduring short-term, unfitting jobs. Feeling unfulfilled, Malia knew she had to make a change.

“I asked myself, “What makes you truly happy, fears aside?” she said. “I knew the answer was and always had been music.”

That’s when Malia decided to pursue her passion. She taught herself how to play guitar and started performing with other musicians around L.A. Those sessions gave her the confidence to record her self-titled EP, Malia, a stunning debut filled with beautiful, emotionally packed songs.

“My goal is to spread good vibes via my music and make people feel good,” she said.

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