Spend Less Time in the Shower with Alberto VO5 Men’s 3-in-1

alberto v05 men 3-in-1I like things that do more than one thing – sporks, Swiss Army knives, beer helmets, and pajama jeans (I’m just kidding about this one, but you get my point). That’s why I was pleased to discover Alberto VO5 Men’s 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.

No more spending a fortune on getting clean (this stuff costs less than a buck). No more reaching for multiple bottles (You’re welcome, Environment). No more lather, rinse, repeat. Ain’t nobody got time for that. I simply apply the product to my washcloth. Wash. Rinse. Done.

But multipurpose products aren’t new. My grandfather also washed with something that had many uses. Soap. Made in his backyard. With lye. This wasn’t the fancy lye soap you can buy at Whole Foods or the soap Brad Pitt made in “Fight Club.” My grandfather’s lye soap made his skin tougher than leather, but it also worked well on dirty dishes, floors, and poison ivy.

My grandfather’s struggle made me appreciate the five essential vitamins in Alberto VO5 Men’s 3-in-1 that help nourish and hydrate my skin and hair (in my case, head). It feels like five mermaids caressing my body. Mermaids. Vitamins. Hydration. What more could you possibly want in a body wash?

Masculine scent, of course.

I know you were hoping for turpentine and gunpowder, but the suits at Alberto VO5 settled on Ocean Surge and Fresh Energy. While the former scents, may be at home on the range, they aren’t as acceptable in the office. Besides, mermaids like the smell of the ocean.

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