Kevin Durant Shows the Strength in Kindness

Most people who have seen Kevin Durant play will agree that he’s a fierce competitor.

As the current NBA leading scorer and a five-time NBA All-Star, Durant never backs down from a challenge. But there is another word people use to describe Durant – Kind.

For Durant, being kind is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength.

“As a pro athlete, I know it can be easy to focus on trash talk and negativity,” said the Oklahoma Thunder forward. “Kindness can sometimes be mistaken for weakness, but I want to change that perception. The reality is that it takes a lot of strength to be kind.”

Durant has launched a new cultural initiative that aims to challenge deep-rooted stereotypes and redefine cultural perceptions of strength and kindness.

“We don’t tend to associate strength with kindness. Actually, the two are integrally connected,” said Daniel Lubetzky, founder and CEO of KIND Healthy Snacks, Durant’s partner in this initiative. “With this movement, we hope to start a conversation about how it’s strong to be kind.”

To support programs that help promote the movement, KIND, will donate $1 million to Kevin Durant Charity Foundation a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) mission-based organization created to enrich the lives of at-risk youths from ages 6 to 18 through educational, athletic and social program support.

Visit Strong and Kind to learn more about the movement and join the conversation on social media through the hashtag #strongandkind.

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